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Oct 24, 2023

Show Description: Ferenc shares the role the current administration has played to contribute to terrorism and the current Middle Eastern War. US tax dollars are supporting terrorism. These actions have made the world, our security, and our economy significantly less safe. 
The current speaker battle in the House of...

Oct 17, 2023

 We are in very serious times. The Biden administration is deeply unserious.
      1. Some of the weapons used by Hamas were US made, likely from the Afghanistan withdrawal.
      2. The US released $6 Billion to Iran in a recent prisoner exchange.
      3. Iran is the #1 sponsor of terrorism in the world.

Oct 10, 2023

John Burley Interview - Successful Real Estate Investing with High-Interest Rates

Show Description: John Burley is one of the most experienced real estate expert, educator, and private equity founder in the US. With 35+ years of investing experience and thousands of (personally) completed real estate deals, hundreds of...

Oct 3, 2023

Truth in Accounting is a non-partisan and non-political government accounting watchdog organization. Truth in Accounting focuses on education to empower citizens. I interviewed Sheila Wienburg, Founder and CEO. Sheila shares some valuable and sobering info regarding government spending. 
Three major points...