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Oct 3, 2023

Truth in Accounting is a non-partisan and non-political government accounting watchdog organization. Truth in Accounting focuses on education to empower citizens. I interviewed Sheila Wienburg, Founder and CEO. Sheila shares some valuable and sobering info regarding government spending. 
Three major points Sheila shared:
 1. Our federal government has promised nearly $1,000,000 in benefits per taxpayer. Not only does the government not have the money or a plan to provide these benefits, they have record debt. Politicians promise benefits to gain votes without the pain of how to pay for the benefits.
 2. In 2022 the federal government received about $4T in revenues and spent about $7T. Nearly $1T was on interest on the debt. The interest is increasing at an unsustainable rate. This reduces benefits the government can provide.
 3. The solution is educating the citizens. If a politician promises benefits, demand from them how they plan to pay for the benefits. Support and vote for politicians who are serious about fiscal responsibility.
Your Personal Bank can help you thrive thru the economic storm is likely coming. You can eliminate market risk, reduce taxes, and earn positive cash flow on money you spend. This will increase the amount of money you will have available to live on.
Contact Ferenc at or 866-268-4422 for more info.