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Oct 29, 2024

Multiple insurance companies have officially announced increased dividends for 2025!
Most insurance experts predict dividends will continue to increase for the next 3-5 years up to the next 10 years.
This is the best time to invest in high cash value insurance and annuities in 42+ years.
The stock market, bond market, gold, and mortgage rates are all up.
The stock market is expecting a "soft landing". Nearly everything needs to go right economically to justify current stock prices.
The bond market, gold market, and mortgage rates are assuming recession, higher than average inflation, or both in the near future.
Both cannot be right. 
Nearly every leading economic indicator points to challenging economic times ahead.
Wall Street is concerned the stock market may be on the cusp of another "lost decade". Goldman Sachs is now projecting a 3% annual return for the next decade.
This is due to fact that prices have increased tremendously recently and the highest concentration of the top 10 companies in the S&P 500. 
Everyone agrees that we should expect volatility ahead.
Reducing market risk is important to thrive through volatility. 
Your Personal Bank allows you to grow your money insured, guaranteed, tax-free, and highly liquid.
Regardless of who wins this election, there is likely significant uncertainty and volatility ahead.

Reduce your market risk. Reduce your future tax liability. Increase liquidity. Create positive cash flow on your money.


The good news is this is the best time in 42 years to invest in an annuity or high cash value Your Personal Bank insurance policy. This is a generational opportunity to take advantage of higher returns on insured assets with guarantees.


Dividend rates are clearly on an upward trend due to higher interest rates than the past decade. Even if the Federal Reserve continues to lower rates from their current level, no one expects them to lower to the near zero levels of most of the past decade. 


Insurance companies invest heavily in bonds. The bonds they have been purchasing for the last couple of years are far more profitable than the bonds they purchased most of the past decade. This is expected to continue for the next 3-5 years if not longer. 


At the same time, borrowing rates are clearly on the decline. If the Federal Reserve lowers interest rates another 2% as they project over the next year or so, positive arbitrage will increase.


Dividend rates are currently about 6% and are expected to increase to about 7% over the next few years.


Borrowing rates using Your Personal Bank policies as collateral are currently about 5-6% and are expected to decrease to about 4-5% in the next year or so.


If you are earning 6-7% dividends on your money, then are charged 4-5% when you borrow, what is your money doing? 


You still would gain 2-3% annually on money you accessed to invest in an asset, purchase an item, or pay off an expense. 


This is the power of Your Personal Bank!