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Apr 30, 2024

Our Federal Government has revised the employment numbers nearly every month in 2023. The total job new job numbers were reduced by 360,000 in 2023 from the initial reported job numbers.
For example, the US Government initially reported 209,000 new jobs for June 2023. Then later revised down by 104,000 jobs. The real new job numbers were about half of the original job numbers.
Why is this so important. The one consistent bright spot in the economy has been low employment. If unemployment increases that will likely be the last straw before we experience a recession. 
The federal government is consistently over-reporting the new job numbers then quietly revising the numbers when no one is paying attention. I believe this is an effort make the economy look better for political reasons than it really is.
Once enough people and investors realize the truth, this could affect the market significantly.
I believe we are in for a chaotic year and a bumpy economic ride this year. It would be wise to protect your assets. Diversify. Reduce your risk. Reduce your tax liability. Increase returns safely. Increase liquidity to take advantage of future opportunities.
When the government spends more than it receives, it has to sell bonds to off-set the currency. As long as the federal government continues to print money, bond interest rates will remain higher. Currently, there is no political will to reduce spending. 
The federal government's excess spending creates an opportunity. Insurance company dividends are highly interest rate sensitive. Dividends are expected to increase for the next 5-10 years. You earn dividends insured, guaranteed, tax-free and highly liquid. You can take advantage of the government's financial irresponsibility.

Contact Ferenc at or 866-268-4422 for more info.