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Sep 10, 2024

You may be able to sell assets with zero capital gains if your gross income is below $120,000 married, filing jointly, or $60,000 as a single.
Also, capital gains will increase in 2026 if congress does nothing.
If you have assets subject to capital gains, take advantage of the historical low tax rates while they last.
Most Americans pay payroll taxes, sales tax, property tax, income taxes, and inflation which is a hidden tax. Our money is taxed multiple times.
You should reduce or eliminate taxes whenever possible.
Your Personal Bank creates a tax-free bucket of money, insured, with guarantees, and highly liquid.


Why is this one of the best times to add Your Personal Bank to your portfolio?


Insurance companies invest heavily in bonds. Bonds are highly interest rate sensitive. Interest rates have increased at the fastest rate in the history of the Federal Reserve. Bond interest rates are 2-3 times higher than they were a couple of years ago. Insurance company profits are increasing as well. Dividends are profits of the company, therefore, dividends are expected to increase.


When the federal government spends more than it receives in tax revenue, it has to sell bonds to issue the currency. This is known as deficit spending. Also, the government does not pay down the existing debt. It sells new bonds at the current interest rate when the previous bond term expires to "roll over" the debt.  


Deficit spending is at all-time record levels. The overall debt continues to increase $1 Trillion about every 100 days. 


This is causing the federal government to sell record levels of bonds. And the amount of bond selling continues to increase. To entice institutional bond buyers to continue buying bonds, the government is having to offer higher and higher interest rates.


Until the federal government starts spending less than it receives to start paying down the debt, the upward pressure on bond interest rates will continue. Vanguard and others have recently predicted bond interest rates will increase over the next 5-10 years.


The federal government fiscal irresponsibility creates an opportunity.


You can invest in high cash value Your Personal bank TM policies that are insured, with guarantees, income tax-free, highly liquid, and likely to increase returns for the next 5-10 years!

I believe we are in for a chaotic year and a bumpy economic ride this year. It would be wise to protect your assets. Diversify. Reduce your risk. Reduce your tax liability. Increase returns safely. Increase liquidity to take advantage of future opportunities.