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Aug 20, 2024

July 2024 Consumer Price Index (CPI) was reported at 2.9%. This is the lowest level since March 2021.
Although the rate of inflation is slowing down, prices are not going down. They are still increasing. The cumulative price increases over the past 3 years are hurting Americans. 
Despite what you hear from the media and Wall Street about a potential rate cut, the Federal Reserve is far more concerned about inflation than recession. An economic slowdown actually helps the Federal Reserve fight inflation.
If the Federal Reserve cuts rates too soon, they could reignite inflation and make things worse. Also, they have a history of moving slowly.
Lastly, the Federal Reserve target inflation rate is about 2%.
I believe the economy will get worse before it gets better. We are in for a rough ride.
It would be prudent to protect your assets. Diversify. Reduce your risk. Reduce your tax liability. Increase returns safely. Increase liquidity to take advantage of future opportunities.

You can invest in high cash value Your Personal Bank TM policies that are insured, with guarantees, income tax-free, highly liquid, and likely to increase returns for the next 5-10 years!

Contact Ferenc at or 866-268-4422 for more info.