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Feb 20, 2024

Illegal immigrants don't have to pay taxes, but you do.
Many illegal immigrants don't have to pay for housing, but you do.
Many illegal immigrants don't have to pay for housing, but you do.
Many illegal immigrants don't have to pay for food, but you do.
Many illegal immigrants don't have to pay for health care, but you do.
How is this fair to US citizens?
Where does the money come from for all the benefits currently being given to illegal immigrants? Your tax dollars. 
The government has no money. Governments get money from taxpayers and by printing more money. This creates inflation. Everyone pays more for goods due to inflation.
Your Personal Bank dividends are interest rate sensitive and will thrive in a higher interest rate environment. Dividends are likely to increase for the next several years due to higher interest rates. 
Your Personal Bank funds grow income tax-free and you can access tax-free. This shields you from likely higher future tax rates. You can grow your money safely, with guarantees, tax-free, and highly liquid.

Contact me at if you want info on how to thrive financially in 2024.