Sep 26, 2023
Avery Chi shares her personal story of her dream to become a
US citizen. Avery is a Chinese national who dreamed of coming to
the United States ever since she was young. She was able to obtain
a student visa in 2014 to earn her Master's Degree. She then
obtained a job in the IT industry.
A company sponsors the employee for them to obtain a H1
work visa. The company is in control regarding processing the
paperwork to obtain citizenship. Avery has been told an individual
cannot initiate citizenship via the work visa
Avery's company gave her the expectation that they would
process her citizenship, but gave no time frame. After six years of
employment, the company finally started her citizenship
application, then laid her off.
She now has 60 days to find another employer to
sponsor her, or she will be forced to return to China.
Avery has lived in the United States for the past 9 years, her
entire adult life. She loves this country and the opportunities it
provides. She has been a productive member of society and wants to
continue, eventually as a citizen. This is her American dream.
Avery is exactly the type of person we want to immigrate to
the United States.
Avery has attempted to do the right thing for 9 years and has
been punished for it, while others are entering illegally and are
being rewarded for it.
The US Immigration system is broken. Allowing people to enter
this country without even knowing their name or purpose is
unacceptable! Companies benefiting from highly educated cheap labor
by dangling the citizenship carrot, stringing them along, then
pulling the rug from them is also unacceptable.
Despite our problems, the United States is still a better
place to live with more opportunities than most of the world. We
could have the pick of the litter and choose the best and the
brightest. That is what built this amazing country. America, and
the world, is better because of immigrants like Elon Musk.
American citizens should demand our local, state, and federal
governments enforce the law and stop illegal immigration. American
citizens should demand anyone who came illegally to be deported and
not allowed to return. American citizens should demand reforms to
legal immigration to favor the best and the brightest and not allow
companies to take advantage of people.
Any representative that allows the current immigration
situation to continue needs to be voted out of office. The system
only continues because those in charge benefit from the status
quo. Let's send a message loud and clear to those in
charge that America does not stand for taking advantage of
Until the current immigration system is fixed, crime will
continue to rise, wages will continue to be depressed, especially
for lower income earners, and inflation will continue to
What can you do financially? Reduce debt. Protect your money
from risk. Reduce your future tax liability. Ensure your money is
liquid to take advantage of opportunities. Make positive cash flow
on money you spend so it goes farther. Your Personal Bank does all
these things.
Contact Ferenc at or 866-268-4422 for
more info.