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Jul 2, 2024

A high concentration of warning signals suggest a major market correction is ahead.
There's nothing magical about these signals, but when dozens of them kick in at the same time, it is time to pay attention.
Diversification is always financially wise to reduce risk. It becomes especially important with increased market uncertainty.
Your Personal Bank policies are insured, with guarantees, income tax-free, and highly liquid. Annuities can offer up to 8% guaranteed first year and/or double digit gains in good market years with the principle guaranteed. There is no downside market risk.
This is the best time in 40+ years due to higher interest rates for annuities and high cash value dividend paying Your Personal Bank policies. Higher for longer interest rates means these products will thrive. Returns will likely continue to increase for the next several years.

Until the federal government starts spending less than it receives to start paying down the debt, the upward pressure on bond interest rates will continue. Vanguard and others have recently predicted bond interest rates will increase over the next 5-10 years.


The federal government fiscal irresponsibility creates an opportunity.


You can invest in high cash value Your Personal bank TM policies that are insured, with guarantees, income tax-free, highly liquid, and likely to increase returns for the next 5-10 years!

I believe we are in for a chaotic year and a bumpy economic ride this year. It would be wise to protect your assets. Diversify. Reduce your risk. Reduce your tax liability. Increase returns safely. Increase liquidity to take advantage of future opportunities.