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May 28, 2024

I have been sharing on the radio for nearly 5 years the power of Your Personal Bank to grow your money insured, guaranteed, tax-free, highly liquid, and create positive cash flow on money you spent.
Recently, I have met several people who were sold products that they thought would accomplish the above but do not....

May 21, 2024

USC Code 18, Chapter 29, Section 611 - Voting by Aliens (Non-Citizens)
This federal law states it is not unlawful for any alien to vote in any election if the alien permanently resided in the United States prior to attaining the age of 16 and the alien reasonably believed at the time of voting that he or she was a...

May 14, 2024

Your Personal Bank TM is a financial concept that strategically integrates financial tools from the banking and insurance industries

  to continue growth on funds even after you access the funds for other purposes.

Your Personal Bank TM is a two step process. 
 1. A high cash value policy is established to maximize...

May 7, 2024

Growth is slowing. Prices continue to surge. This leads to stagflation. This is a nightmare scenario for the economy. 
This places the Federal Reserve in a very difficult situation. If they lower interest rates, inflation will increase. If they increase interest rates, the economy will slow down further. 
The US...